Thursday, July 5, 2012

My boys

As you all know, Coasten is FAMOUS for his Mohawk/fauxhawk.
Its usually kinda long because I prefere it that way and to be quite honest, Coasten is nuts about his long hair on top. He has such an opinion for a 4 year old BOY.
Well in May I decided to give the boys a new style. Well Coast just a shorter version..

Here is my Coast. About an inch shorter, and still so handsome!

Oh Hyde, you just got HUGE.. You are 18 months old in this picture and you look 3! I have loved this haircut on you, its been so easy. Quite the change from your amazing Mullet/hawk that I'm pretty sure I'll have you grow your hair out to be like again in the Fall.. 

I adore being a Momma to these boys. I couldnt imagine it any other way. You are best friends that have this wonderful bond. 
I hope to one day add another little brother to our family..

Coasten loves to collect things and place them in plastic baggies.. TO KEEP! Sometimes its leaves, sometimes its rocks and sticks, sometimes its paper that you've cut out into a gazillion pieces and then insist on calling it a "party". But whatever it may be its fine by me!

Hyde, I caught you in a moment of contentment. You found a spot on the grass and played with the weeds all by yourself. It made me wonder what thoughts were running through that sweet little mind of yours. Of course right after I snapped a quick picture, you were back to running around playing with your brother! I have to be FAST when taking pictures of you, so when I actually manage to capture a good one, I feel pretty proud:)

I love you sweet boys, haircuts n all... 

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