Saturday, June 9, 2012


Nate and I were able to get out on a couple of dates in the past few months. Our Real-estate Agent who is with Equity, held a client appreciation night and took everyone to the opening of The Hunger Games. It was such a good time because we both had just read the book, so details were still fresh in our minds and we were finally able to put faces to these characters.. Great flick, love the books more but a fun-tabulous night just the same..


I have the BIGGEST sweet tooth and I had to order myself some ice cream. See the 2 spoons? Yeah only one person indulged and it was not the man with the mu-stash! 

Sometime in February-ish, we enjoyed another date night to the movies to check out The Vow. First stop though had to be Cafe Rio. Love me some Pork Salad..

Silly car pictures. Always have to document the rare times we get to escape our parental duties and get to be teenagers again! Handsome right?


Before the movie photo

Smoochy smoochy

Aftermath.. We had a blast but we were ready to see our precious children again. Somehow we always end up missing them and talking about them the entire time:) Good sign right?!
Love you Naters, thanks for all the fun..