Monday, April 2, 2012

Hyde Graham

Ok, ok, I know I say this ALL of the time, but I have NO idea where the last 17 Months have gone.. Is this babe really almost 1 1/2 years old? Well, either way it has come and gone TOO quickly and I better post about this Handsome man in our lives.

He has quite the little personality.. Seriously this kid is FUNNY! He is a huge teaser. He loves to tease and bug people especially when he knows he'll get a good reaction. He has us all laughing pretty hard on a daily basis.. He is at the age where he will do everything in his power to NEVER look at the camera. So I will take a million pictures in about a 20 second window to see if I've managed to get one of him looking my way! Most of the time I fail miserably..

He loves being tickled and massaged. I was even able to get him to fall asleep with me in my bed while giving him a baby massage. Must have really enjoyed it because this babe wont sleep anywhere but in his own bed!

Hyde loves the bath and shower, sometimes he even has both at the same time. He will try his hardest to take his clothes and diaper off just at the chance I'll let him get in! Pretty sure personal hygiene wont EVER be an issue with my boys!
The Vacuum is also a fav.. My boys fight over the thing. Honestly they do a pretty amazing job for such wee ages! Vacuuming is a twice (or more) daily activity in our household!
He is wonderful while getting a haircut every couple weeks, he has SO MUCH HAIR and always has. He also has a little dark patch of hair on the back lower right side of his head. It will be interesting if this stays or goes as the years go by. I think its his birthmark.

Hyde is content as content can be when he is outside playing, or better yet not even playing. We can be holding him in our arms and he will be smiling up a storm just because he's outside!
He is loving the shovel right now, he shovels cement, dirt, water, deer droplets, and the landlords doggy poop (ewe, so sick) and the grass. He will do this for hours.
He does not like anything on his hands, and LOVES the toothbrush.. He'll walk around the house holding his toothbrush and brush those cute teefers!!

He will go Pee on the potty, and he'll grab a diaper and wipes when he wants his poopy bum changed. This one just might be ready for toilet training in a few. He adores his brother.. Coasten is his BFF. He will even run to Coasten for comfort when he is upset about something, Hydes gets SO excited to see him. As I am typing this Hyde just ran to Coast and tackled him. Pretty darn sure he is the toughest 17 month old, he LOVES to play very rough. Good thing because he has a brother he must keep up with at all times!

He thinks he is big enough to play on the computer, gets so upset when we tell him NO. These kids come wired for electronics now-a-days. The first thing he does when we walk into the house is turning on the TV. Makes me laugh, because we really are not home w/o that dang thing on.. Mostly its for my benefit, I desperately need that noise..

He is amazed by Elmo, I mean aren't we all? He will actually sit and watch a little Sesame St as long as Elmo is on. I thinks its just wonderful when these 2 sit together and catch up on some shows.. Funny stuff..

He is a future cyclist.. This boy loves the bike, and will stop at nothing to get a ride! Coast is awesome at fulfilling this request when I'm feeling worn out. Hyde seems so grown up right now, makes me so sad but I love the little person he is becoming. Quite the character.

He is a swing lover, would stay there forever if it'd be possible. He has loved having a buddy to play with at the park.
I have loved that he understands EVERY single thing I say or ask, so nice. He still doesnt say many words, but if he understands everything, its ok by me! He comes to get me saying Mom and points if he wants me to see something. Or I'll ask him what he wants and he'll hold my hand and show me. The words he says are: Mom, Momma, Daddy, Dad, Dog, Ducky, deer, uh-oh, ball, balloon, bath, Bull (Matt and Heathers dog), milk, yeah, more (only in sign). I may be missing some, but I'll add those as I think of them.
He nods this head for yes. Its with such force sometimes that it seems to motion his entire body that way!! Hilarious. He says yeah while doing it. Cutest thing!

Baby Mozart, maybe we'll have a child prodigy in our home. He wants to do everything the big kids do. Why be a baby when you can be big right?!
He'll always let me know when something is not quite right. He is still a hard child to feed for some reason. Nate and I will battle on whos turn it is to feed him.. Stinker!
His nicknames are: Hyder, Pup, Puh puh, Pants, Handsome, Nuts-o, It's a, maybe a couple more but i cant think of them now.
Anytime he hears any sort of beat, he starts shakin it. He LOVES dancing!

This boy has been a joy to have in our family. I couldn't have asked for a better baby. He is the complete package.
I have truly enjoyed being a Mother of Boys. Thats what I always wanted and I think I am pretty dang good at it too. And the boys LOVE their Momma's..

Hyde you are wonderful, sweet, and funny.
You have a favorite blanket that you insist on dragging everywhere like Linus. I hate it, I think its the ugliest blanket, but you have an attachment to it. How could I take that away?! You snuggle your nose and mouth into your blanket and rub with your fingers. I think its so stinkin cute !
I have loved that you LOVE your Momma and Have this thing for your Daddy when you see him after a long day apart, and I adore the fact that you are crazy about your big brother!
I love the continuous smooches and cuddles you give your family members.
You are an obedient little boy..
Hyder we are nuts over you, thanks for being a gem
Happy 17 months pup
Love you


  1. Yah. Almost nursery time!!! We love you Hyde man. You really are the sweetest boy.

    I love that picture of the boys on the bike together. The way Hyde is looking at Coast is so darling.

  2. such a handsome guy! he looks so much older than 17 months! So studly.
    I love their little bond that is so fun. I always think it's so awesome how the little ones look up to the bigger siblings.

  3. Your boys are so cute! It makes me excited for mine! Thanks for your nice comments on my blog!
