Monday, March 19, 2012

Coasten Faust

It has been the longest time since I have talked about my Coast. I think the time has finally come to jot some things down about this guy.

I'm pretty sure this top picture explains it all. This was not posed, just Coasten being himself.
He is one of the sweetest most kind hearted people I know. He is genuine and giving. Always thinking of others.
When I took this picture he was handing me a blossom that had fallen from this tree and said, "Mom, this is for you, I love you!"
He often times does this.
We were out looking at some houses and he'd found this bush of some sort that had felt-like blossoms. So he picked one and handed it it me saying "Here Mom, this is for Valentines Day!"
He is always thinking about others and genuinely wanting them to be happy.
He reminds me, when he knows I will forget. Such as- "Mom did you grab your purse?", or "Mom, we need to get Hyde!"
If we are out at a store and come across something that Hyde would like, Coast will say "Mom, we should get that for Hyde, he would love it!" And he's right, Hyde would really love it.
Coasten ADORES his brother. He is the first thing he wants to see when he wakes up in the morning. Most often when I put Hyde down for his nap, Coast will ask "Mom, when is Hyde going to wake up? I love him, I want to play with him!"
As a Mother this is something that we ache to hear!
Sometimes he'll tell me that he is ready for another baby in the house, and other times he tells me "No more babies!" I ask why and he says its because Hyde screams all of the time. Haha, I guess we all have to be ready right?!
He is very thankful and will tell you 100 times how much he loves and appreciates something.
We gave him rain boots for Valentines day, and he must have thanked me 20 times that night and another 60 times the next day.
We recently went to St. George and through the 4 days we spent there, he continued to tell me "Mom, thanks for bringing me here!", "Mom I had so much fun!"
He is very affectionate. I have enjoyed every kiss and hug that he randomly gives me throughout the day. I know that one day these will become too few and far between. Coast keep em coming.. PLEASE

He is all sorts of BOY! He loves digging in anything and everything. Shoveling is part of his daily activities, even when we dont have snow to shovel. He is really quite good at it too, very efficient!
Always wanting to do the MAN duties around the house.

He loves his cousins.. Especially Parker and Milo! He will spend hours making presents for them that include- a drawing on a piece of paper of everything under the sun, and then cut it out and put into ziplock bag. Then he calls it a "Party"..
He always says "Mom, we have to hurry and get this to Parker's house, he's going to need it!"
He makes up the funniest stories, which are very convincing, that always include Parker and his pets.
He has the cutest and wildest imagination around. Sometimes even I think they are real. I'm positive that Coast does as well!
He has begun to ask me why I don't let his friends come over to play. And I always say that its because he's just not old enough yet. In all honesty, its really because we live so far away from everyone. But he is content with my answer every time! I know I'll have to change that soon..

He is BIG time into sports of every kind. He is FAST, sooo fast. He loves to wrestle anyone that will let him, even those that dont want to! Hyde craves it (he's a tough little fella), I myself like to trap him in awkward positions putting my full body weight on him and watch him devise a plan to get out. Every time he manages to somehow get out, even when I myself am wondering how he's going to execute this! He is very rough, so we play rough. Dad is attacked as soon as his feet step in the front door after work. Coasten is tough. Anytime he gets hurt he'll jump right back up saying "I'm ok mom!". Rarely he'll cry about it!
He is SUPER smart. I've always thought he was wise above his years. Some things he says, I am in AWE at.. How in the world could he have known that!

He is very musical. He will sing to EVERY song whether or not he even knows the words. His most favorite song is by the band "Fun", "We are young".. Thanks Brandon Peterson! Anytime he hears a guitar, he'll run to get his and play right along.
He even knows the artists to the songs on the radio. Yes, because I still listen to the radio in the car!
Primary is one of his favorite places to go, because of the music and singing time. He is the only Sunbeam that gladly sits down on the front row for an hour singing every word! He picks up on music and words SUPER fast.
He LOVES to be at home. he is a homebody, I think he gets that from Nate, because he enjoys being home as well.
Coast does have a temper, a little bit of anger rages from this little body sometimes. We are working on improving and controlling this side of him. If he does something naughty and is sent to his room for punishment, he'll hit the wall the entire way to his room. Not all the time but too often for my liking! This has been the HARDEST and has definitely taken a toll on my patients.

The age of 3 has been very rough from the beginning. Everyone said that the 2's are terrible, but I believe that the 3's are the terrible age!
Thank Heavens that he'll be 4 shortly!

Overall, Coasten is a delight. He is just a child that likes having fun, playing with friends and family!
Coasten, we LOVE you! You are a loving tenderhearted little boy, and we could not be happier that you are in our family.. Cant believe that you are almost 4..


  1. Cute post. He is a special boy. His cousins love him back!! Glad you guys had a good time it st g. Our kids beg to move there all the time.

  2. Awe, Coast! We love the little buddy. My heart saddens at the distance between our cute kids (and selfishly ourselves too!) But he'll always have a place in my heart- love you guys.

  3. What a sweetheart! This is such a great post, a fun way to remember everything about this stage in his life.

  4. he is hilarious--and so flipping cute! the days go by slow, but the years fly!
