Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Last little while

First up: Breaking Dawn
It's tradition, to go to these movies with my Mom and Sisters.. We ate at Johnny Corinos and then headed to our movie at the 9:30 showing.. Besides being a little cheesy at parts, I thought it was a great movie! Although, why would Alice put Bella in an Alien/Futuristic looking wedding dress? Thought she had better style than that. I was hoping for a little Lace number!! Ya know me..
We had a GREAT time together, Thanks ladies

In school Coasten had a Thanksgiving Feast. They made hats like the Pilgrims n all.. Thought he looked VERY cute, he played the part well..

The Hyder wanted in on the picture taking action too

My delectable veggie tray, that unfortunately no one ate at the dinner we took it too... LONG STORY (I hope to forget).. So I took it over to my Parents home, where it was scarfed in seconds!!

My homes Thanksgiving decor... Not much

We took the kiddos to Temple Square to see the lights.. This year we went early, but did not miss the crowds! The day after Thanksgiving probably wasn't the best time for that! O well... Oh yeah, Hyde blew a lung during the hour of screaming and crying!!
L.O.V.E the kiddies

6 years ago My Hubz and I were Sealed in this Beautiful piece of architecture..

The Christis.. My boys were SO excited to see it!!
He Lives

Little late night decorating... And we'll throw in some decoration making for my Bro-in-Law and new Sis-in-Law's wedding coming up on the 27th..

Christmas decor

I made an Advent Calendar this year. I decided that it's about time to have some fun things for the kids to do to countdown to Christmas.. I LOVE THIS

Our stocking holders that I purchased last year at Target for half off... LOVE em.. I think I'll be back after Christmas to purchase a couple more, hopefully the reindeer are still there..

Got these monogram pins at good ol Target for real inexpensive.. I'm thinking I will paint them with a little Glitter Blast, or Bronze..

Coasten was so excited for Christmas this year that he had me put everything up before Thanksgiving... He had to be involved, this is very hard for my OCD in Perfectionism..

Coasten's Gingerbread House he made on Thanksgiving

More Advent goodness
So cute in person.. I'm proud

Coast's marshmellow snowman... He insisted on eating the other a few days after making... Umm yuck, but I guess he was sick...

After Nate and I were married I bought these stockings from Tai Pan on clearance.. I was thinking WAY ahead and bought 7... Guess that means that we'll be having 5 kids... Not so sure about that anymore! Yikes

These babies are really heavy, hope they can hold all of the gifts Santa brings!!

My 6 dollar masterpiece.. Yep proud of this too

Christmas ornaments in a jar

Part of our tree

And again

And again.. Maybe one day we'll see a whole view

Hyde has quite the personality, he is a character this one! His sense of humor is out of this world! So cute

I cut this boy hair off the other day and I needed a picture to remember his LONG locks, cuz I'm pretty sure I will NEVER grow it this long again.. As long as I can help it. It was killing me!

Cute stink though, no matter how much bribing I had to do to get him to stand still for a picture..

He is so grown up

love this man..... Most of the time... J/K, ALL THE TIME!

And lastly, Myself.... That flash on my phone is SO dang bright!!

I hope to be better about posting on a regular basis, but there are SO many events happening in my Family that I am not sure I'll get back until the New Year! I'll try..
Much Loves, Shana
Happy Holidays


  1. Just keep posting. It's what gets me thru the crazy times. Great advent calendar. Love it all.

  2. Oh Shana, there are just SO many things I love about this post. First of all...cutest boys ever. Seriously. Second of all, HELLO! Queen of decorating. I love your Christmas stuff! Come decorate my house now, k? Third of all... WHAT?! Your brother is getting married??? I need the details on this please, how great for him! Fourth of all.... I totally agree with you on Breaking Dawn. Such a great movie. However, I have to disagree on the dress. I just loved the simpleness and thought it was perfect. Ha, different styles, different taste ;)Anyway, you're looking fabulous, as always.

    Have a Merry Christmas! And please, don't stop blogging. I love your blog and get so happy when I see you've posted!

  3. Well, I am sorry to disappoint, Tyson is not getting married!! Pretty sure he cant even take care of himself.. LOL.. Nate's brother is getting married on the 27th. December is a horrible time to tie the knot... Financially! I can say that because I have an anniversary this month too!! So, I'll try my hardest to continue the posts through this crazy time of year!! Happy Christmas

  4. Oh shana, I just sound like a broken record. Your darling, you decorate better than anyone I know and I always look forward to your posts:) I just love you to pieces. Thank you for always showing your artwork, you are inspiring:)

  5. Such cute Christmas decor! Your home is very festive! The 7 stockings is cracking me up. I can't imagine what Jace would do if I came home with that many in plans for the future. :)

    We went to the lights this year too and it was way busy. We went on a Monday so I think everyone came for family night. Still real fun!
