Friday, February 25, 2011

Its a bird.. Its a plane.. Its Spiderman

As you can tell this boy L.O.V.E.S Spiderman! Actually that is an understatement, he is OBSESSED! Here are some more funny things about this loveable guy.

On Wednesday evening I asked Coast to give me a smooch, so I puckered up, he grabbed my face and gave me a kiss as usual! Well, the very next second he had me by the face again, with. . his. . mouth. . open! He said that that is how Spiderman kisses. Uh..... maybe Spiderman is just a tad inaproperate for a 2 1/2 year old.. He just might be the first french kissing toddler, I guess he is a 1/4 French! Humm...

Early this morning while switching from his bed into ours, he was Mr. Chatterbox himself. He looked at my nightstand and asked-
Coast: "Mom, what is that?"
Me: "Its a vase bud!"
Coast: "Oh! Its glass, it can break, its a decoration!"
Me: "Thats right, you are so smart!"
Coast: "Those are decorations too, (pointing to our black elephants that we inherited from G-Ma and G- Pa Faust after they passed away.)
Coast: "There are a lot of decorations!"

While on our way back from the beauty supply store, we had stopped at a red light and Coast saw a balloon fly up into the sky-
Coast: "Mom, where is that balloon going?"
Me: "Its going to fly in the sky!"
Coast: "Oh its going up to Heavenly Father?"
Me: "Yeah, its going to Heavenly Father!"
Coast: "Oh.. Jesus is holding it?"
Me: "Sure, Jesus likes balloons too!"

Hyde was screaming his head off in the back seat of the car one day, and Coast being the big brother trying to console him, sitting on the other side said-
Coast: "Hyde, its ok bud, I'm just sitting right by you!"

Earlier this week I had been running some errands with my Mom, Hyde was crying and said-
Coast: "Mom, I'm just holding his hand, he's ok!"
I turned around and sure enough they were holding hands, and Hyde had stopped crying! Oh melt my heart. SO cute..

Coasten says the funniest things everyday. I try to write them down when they happen, but sometimes I am busy at that moment and cant remember after it happens! He has perfect english. He is a huge stink but I cant get enough of the cute things he says and does, it really makes all of those hard times worth it.. Love you little


  1. Oh the ones where he is consoling his brother are just TOO cute!! He seems like such a great big brother!!

  2. Seriously one of the best things about being a mom of two! I love to see how sweet the older child is with the younger one and how they're instant best friends. Glad you guys are doing well. We miss you!

  3. ha! he is so cute~ i love that age--so funny:) and such a cute big bro:)

  4. LOL - so cute! I can't wait until Jax is talking better and more so he can say cute funny things like that. You have such a cute family!
