Thursday, March 3, 2011

Me, myself, and I

Over the past 27 years, and since becoming a Mother of 2 wild and crazy children, I have had a lot of time getting to know ME. Thought I'd share some facts about myself:

* I am one HUGE perfectionist
* I am not that outgoing (dislike this about myself very much)
* I am still a shy quiet person around my in-laws, ALL in-laws (I dont think they even know the real Shana yet, its been 11 years!)
* I have a HUGE passion for decorating and being creative
* I secretly wish I was a photographer, I know I could take amazing pictures, just MUST have the right camera first
* I also secretly wish I was an RN, I just dont want to do ANY of the CNA stuff
* I very much dislike pictures of myself, maybe that is why I never post any
* I am a closet crier, I HATE letting people see me upset and emotional
* I have a brain that runs on overdrive, I am constantly thinking about my next projects, clothing, hair etc...
* I am a tom boy, yep, I have been since I was a baby really. Running, basketball, outdoorsey activities, playing boy things with my kids (the boy in me quit after a trampoline accident I had at 14, seriously it was bad. Still traumatic to me this very day)
* I LOVE being girly though, all things hair, shoes, fashion, for myself and the kiddos. Wish I could dress my hubs but most of the time he wont let me
* I LOVE to sleep. Lazy? I dont think so, I am exhausted by the end of the day
* I am a really GREAT hair stylist, arrogant... No! Confident
* I love Brian Reagan, best Comedian EVER
* I occasionally have a hard time being a Stay-At-Home-Mom, I miss going to work sometimes
* I love to bake, wish I had more time and that it wouldnt go to waste after
* I love the rain
* I hate the wind, it ruins cute hair
* I have an enormous fear of flying
* I LOVE Disneyland, it really is the happiest place on earth
* I never take vacations really! I need a little getaway every couple of months to stay sane..... I am dreaming
* I think I have anxiety, although its not diagnosed
* I want a Pottery Barn home one day, with a little twist and a surprise
* I LOVE decorating, fashion, and hair.. Did I say that already?!
* I take birthdays very seriously
* I want to live out of state, for a while, but ultimately retire in Utah
* I can tell only one other person besides my husband, my deepest darkest secrets and know she is not judging me
* I have an incredible tolerance to pain
* I get excited thinking about the day we have more kids
* I dislike FAKE people, sounds so high school but it still stands true to this day
* I really love my calling, I teach the 5-6 year olds and these kids are truly great, and blessed with the spirit
* I have been in love once, and thats with my husband
* I ADORE my babes........ I am so lucky
* I would love to be Zooey Deschanel for 1 day, she is BEAUTIFUL and an incredible singer and her fashion... LOVE
* I LOVE singing, love it. True story, I was in a girl group growing up but DONT TELL ANYONE!
* I dont like being the center of attention, my wedding was hard for me that way
* I would LOVE doing hair for film, so awesome
* I had a really hard time deciding whether to go to Cosmetology school or Interior Design school, in high school
* I was never a "SCHOOL" person, just so shy but also felt so much more mature than everyone there
* I really wish there were more hours in the day that I could spend playing with my kids, sometimes I feel like its just not enough and I love hearing them laugh
* I was a fish, really at 16 months old I was diving and swimming like I had gills
* I was a figure skater, and loved every minute of it but I was too competitive
* I am going to run a marathon one day, assuming that the kids will let me train hard for it
* I wish I was one of those girls that could jump out of the shower beautiful, jealous so jealous
* I am not witty
* I get mean when I am overwhelmed
* I sometimes think I could throw a 2 year old tantrum
* I love cuddling with Naters, I love that man
* I love basking in the SUN, but get scared for wrinkles and skin cancer
* I remember everything, I never forget... remember that!

WOW, 50! Well, I bet ch'all are super glad that you spent an hour reading my newest post. I think its good for me to have been able to write this stuff down, maybe it will help me improve on certain aspects in my life..


  1. Love this post! I think we are so much alike and I think that's why we've always been great friends (even with the rough patches... remember THAT?! Hahaha!) I'm so glad you moved in to the ward all those years ago and I'm so glad we get to keep in touch now. Love ya girl!

  2. Loved learning all about ya! I am just like you I have been in love once and I too am married to him (isn't it the best...ha ha ha!) I can't believe that you are shy you seem so outgoing, it is always so interesting to see how other people perceive us!

  3. Thanks for posting that. I think that sometimes when women become moms we forget about ourselves so I think its good to take time to jot all this down!

  4. waiting for the day that you let loose around us! :) Still love being with you though...and if you ever need a third person to tell your secrets to, i promise not to judge! Love you!

  5. I loved this shana, you are THE best. I'm trying to figure out what our next girls outing will be... I looooooove having those with you.

  6. Great post! How fun to let us all get a glimpse of your cute self! Oh, and Keith and I laughed so hard at your post with Costen giving you the open-mouthed kiss! What a funny boy!

  7. loved this post girly! and learning more about you! we really are a lot alike:) i adore Zoey--she is insane fab, decor/photography, etc. You should definitely run a marathon--addicting for sure:) you are so flippin cute. ps--would love for you to do my hair sometime:)
