Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hands Foot Mouth Disease

Well, I have to say that our June started out poorly. It was an unwelcome event in our Summer plans.
Monday Morning, Hyde woke up with a pretty good fever. Acting ok, playing, drinking, not really eating but that did not alarm me cause he never really eats anyway, Picky picky..
So at nap-time I'd put him down as usual, everything running on schedule. The part that I started getting concerned was at hour 4, he has rarely taken a nap that long (2-3 hours is the norm). Hour 5 passes and I was hoping that he'd start waking up, and sure enough I started hearing my sweet little boys voice again..

So we ate, he drank his milk, played for awhile longer and he was ready to go back to bed for the night.
Well.... That was a ROUGH night for us all. I'll just say that a new born baby sleeps better than Hyde did that night. He was up every hour screaming, twitching, playing with his feet, and just being miserable. 
So when morning finally came I decided I'd make an appointment with his doc. I did not want this going on any longer, I felt so helpless. 
After waiting in the waiting room for 45 min straight, trying to contain my Son from touching everything in sight while screaming his lungs out from discomfort. I went to the counter and said that if I cant get in right now to see the doctor, I'd have to reschedule. Well turns out I was FORGOTTEN!! So I was sent back to a patient room. After another 20 min or so our wonderful doctor came in. After an examination and my explanation of what had been going on, she diagnoised him with A HORRIBLE CASE of Hands, Foot Mouth Disease. Blah, and nothing can be done to ease his pain.
Other than Tylenol and a Maalox mouth wash every now and then. He was suffering.
So another sleepless night.. SCREAMING, CRYING, TWITCHING, THRASHING out in frustration, became the normal behavior from this boy. Nate and I would switch off taking turns with him so the other could get some sleep, which was pointless because his screaming was so loud and painful that sleep was impossible. The pain that it caused Nate and I was unbearable. BROKE.MY.HEART! My turn came up around 3:30 AM, and I'd managed to get him to fall asleep on me for 15 min or so as long as I would scratch/rub his feet to stop the twitching. Those feetsies of his caused him great grief. Soon after he woke up screaming, so I yelled to Nate. WE HAVE TO TAKE HIM TO THE ER BECAUSE I CANT TAKE ANYMORE OF THIS.... It had been 48 hours at this point and we (Hyde, Nate and I) has slept a total of 3 hours..
So off Nate went to the Hospital. 

After an IV for fluids, some monitoring, and a perscription for liquid Loratab. They were sent home!
That medicine was HEAVEN for 3 hours, Hyde came home and slept for a whole 3 hours! So we hopped right back in bed to catch whatever sleep we could.
After those amazing 3 hours, we were back at square one! UGH.. You have got to be kidding me!

Our home was non-stop screaming from this boy in unbearable pain. This day is when the blisters started showing up. They were everywhere his face, his mouth, his feet, his toes, his hands, his fingers, his arms. EVERYWHERE.

I wish these pictures accurately showed the horribleness of these blisters, they were HUGE and very painful. Our routine continued to be the same, UP ALL NIGHT LONG, screaming in pain and the Loratab was no longer working at all..
After a solid week of uncontrolable screaming and crying and twitching, the blisters started to heal and clear up. The only part I wasn't expecting was all of the pealing that followed. The skin all over his entire feet and toes peeled right off and the skin was so thick. So because of that his feet were so tender and took another week to heal..

After 2 solid week of pure torture for my little boy and sleepless nights for Nate and I, we were walking ZOMBIES.. I am just so happy that Hyde is well again and pray that we will never have to go through this illness ever again... Miserable

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