Friday, October 15, 2010

37 Weeks

I had a Dr appt this past Tuesday with my wonderful Dr Brown. Everything looked great however, the baby had turned himself into a transverse position instead of staying head down as he was at the prior weeks appt!
So now we have a of couple options: #1- I am 37 weeks and the boy is getting bigger everyday which means he will no longer have much room to turn himself around. So this fast approaching Tuesday we will have another ultrasound to determine the babes exact position, if he is still in the transverse position she will try to move him manually which is 50-75% successful. Although uncomfortable! If we are not lucky after that maneuver the only other option is a c-section, which she will perform that day!
Option #2- The baby rotates himself back into head down position and I will be able to have him vaginally (which I really want so badly) however, I am under the impression that I will be induced later that same day so he doesnt rotate himself back into any sort of strange position.
I am scared! This baby moves and squirms around ALL THE TIME which is a great thing and a horrible thing all together. I have faith that this baby can turn himself around, but I know what he is capible of doing and know that if he is head down one minute the very next second he can totally be in a different position! I think that is why she would probably just induce me that very day if he happened to be head down.
Now, I absolutely adore labor and everything that comes with having a baby vaginally. Nate and I had the sweetest experience with Coast, and I REALLY REALLY want/need to have that experience with my other kids! Its so natural that way.. Also I could have my natural NO drug childbirth.
The downside to having a c-section are: I get claustrophobic big time, not being able to hold your little one for 45 min or so after birth, longer recovery time in the hospital (which would take up all of the time Nate is able to take off work), longer more painful and druged recovery at home while still having to take care of a 2 yr old too, not being able to ever have another vaginal childbirth mostly impart due to increased complications, Nate wouldnt get to be involved in the delivery, and I know how cool and special natural deliveries are!
So I need prayers. I dont want to have a c-section AT ALL, I am so nervous. It seems like my pregnancies are wonderful right up until the end and then something goes wrong. Coast was a couple of weeks early because of pre-eclampsia, and now this babe will probably be a few weeks early due to his positioning! I really wanted to make it into November! I am bummed..
I have yet to take a picture of my prego self, so here is a picture of my favorite little 2 year old to put a smile on your face! I will post pictures of the babys room as soon as it is finished. (yeah everything is last minute)
P.S. My mom and I were painting the babys room last week and I turned around to check on Coast and found him like this.. In the babys car seat carrier with the baby boys bink in his mouth making whiney baby noises.. I got a pretty good laugh!


  1. Oh Shanna.... I would be so nervous too! I was thinking the other day that having a c section is almost cheating yourself out of a natural child birth.. by that I mean, having a child natural is so real and you feel and see it all. So exciting!! so I will be praying that on Tuesday he is head down and ready to come naturally!! Good luck!

  2. Oh no! You will continue to be in my prayers Shan! I know everything will be okay though. We love you guys!

  3. Shana! I had that same thing happen to me! Owen was breech and the Dr. gave me the option of turning him. Unfortunately I wasn't able to because the Doc told me it would be unsuccessful because of the fact that my uterus was so tiny. I ended up having a C section last Thursday and I am healing really well! Matt has been helping me so much, but it would definitely be hard trying to take care of a 2 year old and heal at the same time. I hope the little one turns for you so you can deliver vaginally. I will keep you in my prayers!

  4. Oh no! I'm so sorry Shana, I know how badly you want this babe to come in November. My prayers are with you as well. My babe was breech a couple weeks ago and turned itself, so I know yours can do it! I am SO with you-I never want a c-section, just the thought freaks me out. But, if you do have to do it, I know it'll be fine..... but I'm still hoping you don't have to! Happy thoughts and good vibes are being sent your way!!! Good luck on Tuesday!

  5. oh girly! i hope the little man just moves himself, or the doc is able to move him manually! i hope he is able to come naturally:) i have to have c-sections, and i do really wish i could experience labor like most people do:)sounds like an incredible experience! i will tell you that my c-sections have all been really easy, and super fast recovery--so if it comes to that i think you will do great! i will be thinking of you guys! hope your appt goes well:)

  6. That's crazy! I hope the baby moves back head down or hopefully the doctor can turn him if he hasn't by himself. I agree with you about a C-section ... I really hope you don't have to have one. But whatever happens, it will be the best for the baby. That's crazy that you're going to be having him so soon. Can't wait to see pictures!

  7. prayers to you guys! i hope everything goes well...i had a c-section with will & it was ok! the recovery wasn't bad at all and they let me hold him within 20 minutes. either way it's such a miracle & you get a baby in the end:) but i do hope everything goes the way you want it to! good luck!! love love

  8. We will keep you in our prayers!!! I hope all goes well!

  9. Hope your little guy moves himself into the right position! I want everything to go really smoothly for you guys. We'll keep you in our thoughts! I can't believe you'll have two little boys here in the next couple weeks. Seems crazy! I really hope that whatever happens you'll both be okay and recover fast. Can't wait to meet the little man!
