Monday, August 9, 2010


Can we finally catch a break? This post is kind of my complaint for the week (oh no, its only just begun).
I took Coast into the Dr. for his 2 year appointment today, and for some funny reason when she pulled out all of the tools necessary to check him over, I had a strange feeling that I was going to hear her tell me something I didnt necessarily want to. After a few minutes of listening to Coasts heart she told me that he has a heart murmur! WHAT????? How many freaking times have we been to the doctor and no one has ever told us that he has one?! She quickly reassured me that this kind of murmur is not something we need to worry about, and that a lot of kids develop this kind of heart murmur around his age that everyone simply "Grows out of!"
I knew what I was getting myself into when I married Nate with his heart condition n all (Aortic Stynosis with a VSD), and knew that our children could possibly have a heart condition themselves. I prayed harder than I ever had when I was pregnant with Coast, pleading with the Lord to PLEASE let Coast have a healthy heart! I thought after having a thorough ultrasound of his heart, and checking out heart condition free at birth, that we were out of the woods. I have never been so excited!
So apparently, the kind that Coast has is called "Stills Murmur", and I really have nothing to worry about because it is something he will grow out of.
All I am asking for is one little break, I feel as though we are being put through trial after trial after trial. What am I not learning, and why do they keep coming in like a destructive flash flood?! I CANT handle another heart procedure done on my husband or children, why cant it be me instead?! I am breaking down.....
I know I need to exercise a little more faith, but to be honest, I feel sometimes that I have none left. Can we PLEASE catch just one little break?!


  1. I'm so sorry Shana. I have never felt more helpless or upset than when my kids' are having a problem. I think that is the biggest challenge of being a mother-more than any frustrating mess I have to clean up or having to deal with tantrums, or fighting, etc. It breaks my heart to have to see them go through hard things and I'm sure it will only get worse as they get older. I just want to protect them from everything and I would rather go through it for them, just like you. It reminds me so much of our Heavenly Father having to see us go through trials. I'm sure it's so hard for Him to see, especially when He has the power to take it away. But if He did, we would never learn or grow to become better than we are. I'm truly sorry you are having to deal with this and tears are coming to my eyes as I'm typing!! I hope everything will turn out fine for Coast, but I also hope you will have the spirit with you and be able to feel peace, whatever happens. Love you girl :)

  2. Good heck... what else could possibly happen to you guys? Thank heavens that it isn't too serious and there are no lasting complications! I just spent like a half hour googling it and one website described it as having a "musical heart", which kind of made me laugh. At least Coast has some sort of musical talent. :) In all seriousness, Coast will continue to be in our prayers that his heart will be strong and that he'll grow out of this and have no further complications. We love you guys!

  3. Shana, I'm so sorry! One of the worst feelings in the world is when your kids are hurting and you can't make it better ... You guys are in our thoughts and prayers! Just focus on breathing in and out, and take one moment at a time. You will make it through. Hang in there! :)

  4. Oh i'm so sorry to hear that Shana, you guys must be very strong or else the Lord wouldn't put you guys through these sort of things!Keep your chin up and just know if anyone can handle it it is you guys for sure!

    P.S. I had a heart murmur when I was little too, I'm not sure if it is the same kind but I never had to do anything for it and I did grow out of it.

  5. That is the scariest news! I can't believe how much you guys have been through. Too many hospitals for sure! Im so sorry! I sure hope he outgrows this without any issues. We love you guys!

  6. Oh Shana - I hope all is well with Coast - we will keep him in our prayers. And you as well. Don't lose faith! Love you!
